2021 IEEE North American School of Information TheoryWelcomePlease check out this brief Welcome video with a few words about the school and logistics from the organizers. UpdatesTutorials including Q&A will be synchronous events, without recording. We would like to encourage interactions between tutorial speakers and (student) attendees, in the spirit of the School with and for students, and similar to the in-person NASIT events. Therefore we will also not record sessions. Questions can be asked during the tutorials, and tutorial moderators will help with asking and addressing questions that have been posted in the chat. About the SchoolThe 2021 IEEE North American School of Information Theory will be held Monday, June 21 through Friday, June 25 2021. This will be the 13th Annual North American School of Information Theory and follows a series of events designed to provide graduate students with opportunities to:
ProgramThe school will be a virtual event held over five days and will consists of
ParticipationThe tutorials will be delivered in zoom meetings and the poster sessions will take place in virtual poster rooms using the web-conferencing space Gather.town. Links to these events will be sent out to registered participants on June 20, 2021. Lecturers
(for tutorial schedule, see Schedule)
Program Organizers
Past SchoolsSponsors / Partners