FPGA 2005: Call for Papers

13th ACM International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays

Hyatt Regency Hotel

Monterey, California

February 20-22, 2005

The ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays is the premier conference for presentation of advances in all areas related to FPGA technology. For FPGA 2005, we are soliciting submissions describing novel research and developments in the following (and related) areas of interest:

Authors are invited to submit English language PDF of their paper (12 pages maximum) and panel proposals by September 27, 2004. Notification of acceptance will be sent by November 26, 2004. The authors of accepted papers will be required to submit the final camera-ready copy by December 20, 2004. [original CFP estimated December 6] A proceedings of the accepted papers will be published by ACM, and included in the Annual ACM/SIGDA CD-ROM Compendium publication.

Address questions to:
Steve Wilton, Program Chair FPGA 2005
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4
Phone : (604) 822-1263
Fax : (604) 822-5949
Email : stevew@ece.ubc.ca

Organizing Committee

General Chair:Herman Schmit, Tabula
Program Chair:Steve Wilton, University of British Columbia
Finance Chair:Russell Tessier, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Publicity Chair:André DeHon, California Institute of Technology
Panel Chair:Michael Butts, Ambric

Program Committee