Doubletree Hotel, Monterey, California: ACM/FPGA 2001, February 11-13, 2001.

Name (first middle last):______________________________________Date of arrival:______________

Time of Arrival:______________________Departure Date:_________________

Name(s) of additional person(s) sharing room:________________________________

Credit Card Type:___________Expiration Date:_________Credit Card Number:___________________

Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________


Phone: (____) _____________

Hotel Rates: (please check all that apply)

_____Single Occupancy - $139 ________Double Occupancy - $139

_____Non-Smoking ________Additional Person per night - $20 per night

Rates are subject to 10% occupancy tax per night, per room. Please enclose one night's deposit or complete credit card information. The deposit is refundable up to 48 hours before the symposium with the cancellation notice.

Check-in time is after 3:00 PM / Check-out time is 12 noon.

Reservations must be received by January 17, 2001. Reservations received after this date are based upon availability.

Please return this form directly to:

Attn: Reservations Department, Doubletree Hotel Monterey, 2 Portola Plaza, Monterey, CA 93940.

Or you can make reservations directly with the Hotel at (831) 649-4511, or at Doubletree Reservations office at (800) 222-TREE. Be sure to identify yourself as an ACM FPGA 2001 Conference Attendee.
